
What is a Ghostwriter?

A Ghostwriter is someone with an uncanny ability to put into words the exact message you want to deliver to your audience.

They are the secret weapons who sit anonymously behind some of the world’s most popular books, blogs, and social media posts.

They write in your voice, they write for your audience, and they believe in your message.

“I finally had to admit to my family that I had a secret weapon! They were raving about my new website, newsletter and blogs. They said they would never have guessed, which really validated how well Martina reflects my style.”

Why use a Ghostwriter?


It takes time to craft beautiful words that connect with your audience. While you’re out there changing the world, it’s almost impossible to find the time to sit down and write what’s on your mind. But if you have an important message to share, timing is everything.

A Ghostwriter just needs a quick conversation or a few thoughts in an email, and they are off and writing. Your valuable ideas have a chance to get out in the world and do some good, rather than fading away on crumpled scraps of paper!


Not everyone loves to write. If it’s not your passion, then don’t distract yourself from what is. Ghostwriters love to write, so let them do what they are good at, and you do what you are good at. Together, when you partner with the right Ghostwriter, you can do amazing things.


In the midst of living your life and doing what you do, there is often little space to clearly see the moments of connection between your message and the world. A Ghostwriter can hold this space, sitting away from the detail and watching for the larger unfolding truth. They can pick out the important threads of your story and present it back to you with a depth of perspective that can be difficult to bring to your own lived experience.


Even if you would love to write, you may feel you’ve not yet developed the level of mastery that does justice to your ideas. Beautiful words trigger powerful feelings and bring meaningful ideas to life. Working with a Ghostwriter can hone your writing skills and open your mind to new ways to share your message. An experienced Ghostwriter can work with you on a communication plan, the development of new and better platforms for your messages, and better ways to cut through the noise, so you can reach those who believe what you believe.

Who uses Ghostwriters?

You’d be surprised how many people employ a Ghostwriter. High profile celebrities, sports people, community figures and business people who have written a book and are active on social media most likely have a “secret weapon”. And it makes sense. Not only are many of these people busy, they often need guidance to discover the story they really want to share with the world.

Many entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business owners who subscribe to the principle “surround yourself with people who are better than you” also work with Ghostwriters. When you’re passionate about changing the world and you already live a full life, working closely with someone who understands your purpose, adds value to your efforts, and enables you to spend more time doing what you do, is the smart decision.

Ghostwriters remain anonymous. They may craft the words, but the ideas belong to their clients. It may sound a little strange, but the profession has a long and respected tradition.

“I love that article. It felt exactly like what I would say. Thank you Martina.”